LineLazer RAC 5 SwitchTip, 319 LL5319

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Quick Overview
The Reverse-A-Clean (RAC) 319 LineLazer RAC 5 SwitchTip has a 0.

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The Reverse-A-Clean (RAC) 319 LineLazer RAC 5 SwitchTip has a 0.019 inch orifice and produces a 4 to 6 inch line.

Used for parking lots, roads, warehouse floors, crosswalks and athletic fields. Best used with materials ranging from heavy waterbase to thin alkyd traffic paints.

  • LineLazer RAC 5 SwitchTip (Yellow Handle)
    • Creates clean, laser-sharp lines with no fuzzy edges or thin spots
    • Designed specifically for parking lots, roads, warehouse floors, crosswalks and athletic fields
    • Sprays heavy water-base to thin alkyd traffic paints
    • Ensures consistent paint thickness, from edge to edge, less overspray and long-lasting lines
More Information
Maximum Line Width (in)4
Orifice Diameter (in)0.019
Orifice Diameter (cm)0.0483
Orifice Diameter (mm)0.4826
Compatible Tip Size (cm)10
Maximum Line Width (cm)10.2
Maximum Line Width (mm)102
Check Out Our Client’s Feedback

My experience was absolutely fantastic! I started shopping for a commercial grade paint sprayer. Bolair’s helped me find the best sprayer for a large project. They suggested a Titan sprayer and I am so happy with the choice. I have been using it for a year now, sorry for the late review but thank you! The price was absolutely fair and even the delivery was early. I highly recommend Bolair’s to anyone in the market for a sprayer!

Joseph Charbanak

Bolair team has a great knowledge of their products and are extremely helpful when it comes to needing information pertaining to either material or equipment. It is refreshing to know that when I have a question or am in need products, they always respond promptly with pricing as well as shipment. From the office staff to the outside sales team to the drivers, all work well to make my job easier.

Mabelle Drummond

I can't say enough good things about Bolair. The team of support is nothing short of amazing. They can answer any questions from pricing to installation and troubleshooting! I have them all in my speed dial because if im in a jam they are the first team to call besides God!

Elwin Victor

We've purchased our insulating materials at Bolair for several years. Always our first call. Good prices. Excellent customer service!

Tobin Grey

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